Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My Un-Official Life Line

There are four main things in this world that I cannot live without: water, food, shelter and my cellular device. Just in the past three years my cell phone has turned me into a socially aware, phenomenal texting, music downloading individual as well as catered to my talkative ways. These new cell phone devices are loaded with so many capabilities that everyday I find something new and interesting. The memeory on my phone has allowed me to save text message threads from over two years ago, my earliest dating back to May 2nd, 2008. So if I ever need to come fourth with evidence in court or prove my point to one of my head-strong friends then I just simply stroll through my cell phone and recover the information. E-mails come directly to my phone as well, it is so much more convienent carrying around a device that weighs less than a half of pound that performs the same exacts functions as a laptop and has faster connection speed. All of my assignments I haves stored in a checklist connected to a timer which allows me to stay on top of my school work and other obligations without having to carry an assignment book around . Staying connected is so easy to do these days, I have a Facebook, Twitter, and BBM my siblings and closest friends do as well. They are always uploading photos, scheduling new events, or just aimlessly chatting wasting my unlimited texts or minutes. Since we are now older and exploring new avenues it is hard to see them as much as I would like, but technology has made it so that my family and friends are always one click away no matter the location. When I dont have my cell phone on me, or when the battery dies I feel like apart of me is missing. I am connected to family, friends, and in some cases the world. Sometimes I wonder how did my parents grow up with out having a cell phone, the world around them must have been slower and less entertaing in my opinion. My cell phone is definitely my un-official life line without it I would definitely go through withdrawls. "LOL"

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