As if Americans didn’t have enough of a reputation for being overweight, the pizza giant Dominos has created a way in which you can monitor your food order. The pizza tracker, an online monitoring service created by Dominos, provides a way to literally watch your pizza being made, step-by-step. The tracking system has five steps in total: order placed, prep, bake, box, and finally delivery. And in case that wasn’t enough excitement for you, the website even provides the first name of who is making your pizza, who is delivering it, and who put it in the oven. There is even an evaluation section where you can rate your driver or pizza maker (from one to five stars). Questions such as, “Eva custom made your order. How did everything taste?” The website claims to be accurate up to sixty seconds-pretty impressive technology, coming from a commercial pizza joint.
To me, the pizza tracker is just a little too over the top. When it comes to food, American society is already portrayed in a negative light, and this is just another creation to fuel the fire. It implies that we have nothing better to do than mindlessly watch the steps of our meal being made. If spending your time sitting in front of a computer, waiting for your pizza to reach the boxing stage, is your idea of fun on a Friday night, the pizza tracker is perfect for you. But you won’t find me utilizing this contrivance anytime soon.
I think the pizza tracker is a useful invention. Yes, America is a very consumer based society, and we like to order things, and know where they are in the delivery process. And yes, America is dealing with an obesity epidemic, but the pizza tracker is not going to fuel this fire. People will order the pizza with or without the tracker. Hating on this innovation has no solid ground, and it can be very helpful to those who need a meal, and need to know when it will be done.