Does blackberry usage pose a legitimate threat to relationships among our loved ones? Based on personal experience, I would have to say yes. I do not own a blackberry, however, the majority of my friends carry their blackberrys with them virtually everywhere. This presents an interesting conflict, full of jealousy and frustration for non-blackberry users. Many times, I feel as if I would maintain better contact with my friends, if I myself chatted to them on blackberry messenger (or BBM) rather than actual face-to-face interactions. Even while writing this post, a friend came to visit me for no longer than five minutes. She owns a blackberry, and was completely unaware I was writing about this pervasive issue. No lie, she looked to her blackberry three times in our brief encounter, typing messages, replying emails, etc. And this is not the first time I’ve noticed blackberry use interfering with human interaction. I cannot tell you how many times I see people at dinner vigorously typing emails and BBMs with their spouses or loved ones.
Many experts share this same sentiment. They point to the fact that blackberry use leads to alienation and withdrawal from society, similar to many other troubling addictions. In short, this is due to an explicit priority shift in today’s fast paced modern world. Time for work related matters hold the greatest importance, leaving quality time spent with friends and family on the backburner. So what can we take away from this, other than to simply acknowledge that we are an overworked society, addicted to our latest technological gadgets? I would recommend, on occasion putting the phone down, and spending some undivided time without the red flashing light notifying you to pick up your phone again.