Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Apple Inc. - Always coming up with the newest, hippest, and popular technological gadgets. Domination?

Apple Inc. produces a ton of software used by, I would say, almost everyone from the ages of 10-70 (give or take). Whether you own a Mac desktop computer or a version of their laptop, iPod, iPhone, or iPad, you are connected to Apple. Along with having the variety in products that they make, Apple also has ‘subgroups’ of each major item on their selling list, which makes their name even more familiar throughout the technological sector of business. Since they provide such great variety and versatility with their products and ideas, why wouldn’t someone purchase an Apple product for any other reason than they can’t afford it (or unless you are required by your college to buy a crappy laptop like Drew gives you)? From my own experience with Apple and their products, they have great customer service and policies that have always worked with my issues rather than against them. I am a proud user of the Apple iPod (having three so far because of the new technologies) and within my household there is also a Macbook Pro and an iPad, all of which work fantastically.

When it comes to the MP3 player world we all know that nothing has even come close to comparing to the iPod. Many other companies have tried to produce an MP3 player to contend with it, but I personally don’t know anyone with a different type of MP3 player. Statistics have shown that the Zune, a product of Microsoft, does not even come close to competing with the Apple iPod, along with others that never even had a chance.

Apple has gotten its way into every possible nook and cranny that it can to bring innovation to a whole new level, especially with the newest release of the iPad and iPhone 4. Regardless of the issues that the iPhone 4 users are having, people are still purchasing it and I mean why wouldn’t you want to spend a few hundred bucks to buy a phone that apparently drops calls because of the antenna placement. The fact of the matter is people are still going to by Apple products no matter what because of the name that the company has made for itself. It has dominated the technology market for many years now, crushing all “competition”.

Earlier today CNN published an article about all of the other companies producing products to contend with the iPad. The iPad is the convenient, light, grab and go type of computer that makes things like surfing the web and checking email easier than logging onto a computer. While others are coming out with their version of the iPad, Apple is probably in the process of designing a better one, especially since none of the competition has put their product on the market. To me this is a no brainer—Apple is going to wait for all of the competition to come out with their products, and then essentially one up them with a newer, faster, all around better iPad than the first generation of its kind. Apple will continue to dominate the technology branch of business while others will merely fall short, unless someone comes out with a product that is almost as good as Apple.

1 comment:

  1. I would also like to add that I just received an email from Apple today informing me about the new iPod touch that has come out. They just keep bringing their products to the next level all the time, which I don't see many others doing.
