Facebook: an easy way to stay connected or today’s peeping Tom?
The social networking site that is Facebook is easily one of the most progressive ways of communication on the market. Facebook makes keeping in touch with friends and up to date on their whereabouts and activities effortless. But does this make it ok? Honestly, do I really need to know that you are “mad shit faced” on Friday night or that “it’s complicated” between you and your girlfriend? Do I truly want to see one more side-peace-sign-kissy-face self taken picture of you with your roommate dressed up like Chippendales' heading out for a night of poor decisions?
I can’t tell you how many times Facebook has made for awkward personal encounters while heading to class or eating at the Commons. I don’t think there’s one teenager on Facebook who has never encountered the situation in which you think, “Oh, I know that person. I saw them on Facebook when I was creeping through my friend's pictures,” or “I sort of know that person. I mean we are Facebook friends. I’ll wait until he waves first. No wave? Oh, I guess we really don’t know each other.”
Facebook has put us in this world of subconscious judgment of other individuals without actually getting to know them first. I know that the first thing I do when looking at a new friend on Facebook is check their taste in music. I am preliminarily judging this person without even intending to. But how am I to truly get to know someone just under the 6 categories of “activities,” “interests,” “music,” “movies,” “television,” and “quotes?”
Social awkwardness is not the only negative backlash of social networking. There have been many instances where companies have denied applying individuals jobs due to inappropriate Facebook pictures. I’m not going to lie to you and say I don’t drink in social situations, but I make it my business to put my drink down if someone’s going to snap a photo because just un-tagging a photo does not delete it. You say you were too drunk to put your drink down? Well, genius, it looks like you’ve got a little more to worry about than a few tactless pictures. Schools and corporations do not want their representatives being seen negatively because this reflects badly on the organization. The Federal Football Federation of Australia is looking into member Lisa De Vanna due to racy photos found by a 13-year-old fan on her Facebook page.
Before, you had to be personally invited by someone with a Facebook to join the “social connection.” Facebook was for high school students while the rest of the preadolescent nation had Myspace for virtual interaction. Now, elementary school children are getting Facebooks as well as parents, bosses, religious leaders etc. This makes you think twice before making your status about your jerk of a psychology professor for giving you so much work this weekend.
So the next time you go to accept some stranger’s friend request, remember that they are going to be able to learn a good amount about you without actually knowing you. The next time you go to type some overly emotional status update about some insignificant little bump in your life, remember Aunty Muriel can read it. And just make sure that your “one night of bad decisions” does not end up on Facebook because that can lead to your future unemployment. As for me, I will continue to reject all the friend requests of new students at my old high school because I will never, ever meet them seeing as I’ve graduated. And maybe I’ll whine about life in a status update or two, but I’m smart enough to make them private to my Rabbi and old history teacher. No racy Facebook photos for me because unlike that de-crowned Miss U.S.A., I’m going somewhere with my life and I’m not going to let some stupid promiscuous behavior ruin that. Okay, let’s be honest, I’m an awkward, Salinger reading, music obsessing, theatre loving geek so promiscuity really doesn’t enter into it but I will forever be careful with what I post and don’t post on Facebook.
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