You’re the best.
Will you marry me?
Voice mails, pictures, text messages … was our relationship all a lie?
Don’t Date Him Girl!
There are many popular websites that allow girls to sign up and completely bash a guy that they have dated. From stories about how she was cheated on, to if he treated her like shit, or how he never paid for a thing, and more, can all be found on the internet. There is a Facebook page for the website and about 4 or 5 more pages that I found about heartbroken girls trying to get some type of revenge because well, she simply did not do it for him. I also found a few websites that give dating tips for girls, just like the magazines do … whatever happened to just being yourself and if he doesn’t like you screw him, onto the next one.

While I was doing looking up other websites similar to Don’t Date Him Girl, I decided to do a different search to see what came up about guys getting the warning about girls. I found a few websites for guys, and all of the other ones were just named differently for girls to STILL not date him. One of the things that I did find for a guy not to date a girl was a likable page on Facebook, with of course a reason to not date a girl because she was flat. Guys always have some stupid reason as to not date a girl because of her physical appearance, and rarely because of how she treated him.

I still don’t see why some of these girls think that they are “getting even” with the guy by posting up his picture on random websites, putting up obscene blog posts about their dates or blind dates, especially because if he cheated on you, the jokes on you. You stayed with him and were too dumb to realize that something was going on in your relationship and when it came out, surprise, surprise, yet another girl left heartbroken and writing it all over the internet. Guys just don’t care enough to post something up on Facebook or some stupid website about an ex that they have dated because the truth always comes out about a person, and quite frankly, I don’t think that they even want to waste their time. If a girl screws them over they go out like Ronnie on the Jersey Shore and do whatever they want because they’re single. They don’t sit at home and cry over what happened, they get over it and move on. This is exactly what these girls should be doing rather than wasting their time on trying to get revenge when he’s already out doing his own thing. Don’t get me wrong I do not condone cheating on a girlfriend or boyfriend at all, but when it’s all said and done, whoever the cheater was, was probably never worth it to begin with. So girls, stop wasting your time posting about what happened in a previous relationship with a guy, get up off your ass, go out and find a new guy that is going to treat you right, instead of wasting your time on the internet bashing some loser.
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