Technology has been used to defeat criminals and we see this everywhere. Whether you are a sex offender, murderer, or a burglar, technology has come so far that when it is involved in tracking down a criminal, they are usually found. The hit TV show
Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) is a great example of this. On each show there is obviously a murder case that needs to be solved, and how do you think their collected

data is analyzed? Through technology! With the advances in technology that we have today, investigators can be lead pinpoint a criminal rightfully with as little information as a piece string from their clothing. I mean I may be basing my opinion off of some TV show, which some people may think is completely ridiculous, but I find what they do and how they do it to be very interesting and well, trustworthy.
Burglars are basically screwed once they enter a house with a home security system because some of these systems, like
ADT, notify emergency personnel once the alarm is set off, EVEN

when you are not home. Surveillance cameras, whether they are around your house or in a 7-11 convenient store, is another security system which allows more ways for criminals to be caught. A girl that I know from elementary and middle school recently got caught for robbing cars, and using stolen credit cards to buy cigarettes, by a picture taken of her from a surveillance camera. It also didn’t help that she was a complete idiot and did this in her own town where many people either hated her or liked her and were likely to turn her in. Regardless of people not liking her, technology worked against her because she was caught on
camera, with the chance of being turned into the authorities, which she was.
Sex offenders also have it bad when it comes to the internet. If you were ever convicted of a sexual crime against another person, you are on
Family Watchdog. Along with CSI tactics, sex offenders are also subject to DNA testing—through technology!—which leads to their capture. Family Watchdog is just a reminder to parents that are either a) looking to move and want to make sure that their potential neighborhood is safe, or b) they need to keep their families safe, and how do they do that? Probably by buying a home security system!
Although technology does play a HUGE role in finding criminals, it also plays a role in criminals finding their victims. Insecure, and in my opinion very dumb people get involved in talking to others through

internet that they have never met before. They feel comfortable with this person and tell them things that they probably wouldn’t tell other people, and then when they finally agree to go and meet somewhere, surprise, surprise a missing persons report is filled out soon thereafter. So to solve this problem, girls, and guys, don’t be absolutely idiotic and build a ‘relationship’ with Joe Schmoe on the internet because he/she could turn out to be the next Craig’s List killer. Aside from that minor detail, technology definitely plays a huge role, in my opinion, when it comes to catching criminals and putting them away for the crimes that they have committed.
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