Biometric Technology is based on what you know, or what you have, and who you are.
To explain the risks and benefits of Biometric technology I will use a corporation/company as an example. Let’s say that the company’s name is Drew Creamery, and they are trying numerous types of biometric securities in order to find out which will be the most secured and fit for the company.
___These are only examples, not real life stories_____

After the signature pad wasn’t successful, the company installed finger print/palm print pads all around the building. Being that every individual has their own unique fingerprint the company thought this would work well. This meant that all the employees needed to do in order to enter were to press their index finger on the pad, granting the access. Only the CEO had access to the safe, in order to keep track of the money. One night the only two employees that were left at the office were the CEO and the janitor. The janitor, named Spencer has been having some financial problems and needed money. Something snapped in his brain he decided to kill the CEO in order to use his fingerprint to enter the safe and steal the money. The same crime happened when the face recognition was put into place. In order to break into the safe, and computer records that held important employee information, like social security numbers, home addresses, family information, and corporate credit card numbers the criminal used a face that they knew would be able to grant them access. Not only did this criminal steal the money that was in the safe but also went so far to steal money from employee’s families using their social security numbers, and credit cards.
The DNA recognition biometric device was installed meaning that employees needed to place their head on the device in order to match their original DNA that was recorded. This used DNA samples from hair. It wasn’t successful because it was inconvenient for employees and some of the Drew Creamery employees were or had no hair at all. These stories seem unrealistic but they are examples to show the pros and cons of the biometric.
Short Video Inside Biometric Security:
Two types of Biometric Technology
Physiological Biometrics is used to identify body shape and physical characteristics of a person. Examples are fingerprints/ handprint/palm print, face detection, DNA, and odor/scent recognition. Other ways to identify someone is by their signature, which I feel can be dangerous because signatures can be copied.
Behavior Biometrics is used to identify an individual’s behavior. Such as the pattern or way someone types, motion behaviors, and identifying a persons voice.
In conclusion: The Benefits and Problems - Biometric Technology
- Everyone has a different voice, fingerprint, handprint, body shape, physical looks, face, body motion, and DNA
- Finger print scanning can be installed on computers, cell phones, ATM’s, safes, and smaller devices. From my research fingerprint recognition seems to be the most used and successful. Fingerprinting has been the most widely used and has the lowest error rate.
- Can improve and develop employee attendance by using it as a “clock in, clock out” system. This will replace the widely used paper slips, which will also help the environment. No other employee can punch in for another.
- Fast and easy to use if the employees are trained efficiently.
- Unlike ID cards and passwords, it is very hard to guess, share, and forget.
- It allows security to use information, like where someone is at a point in time. It can read where someone last entered.
- Expensive to install
o On other hand some fingerprint technology can be bought for around $100.
- No technology is perfect and there are always some problems that can occur.
- There is a need for Tech. help if anything goes wrong. So educating the users is another factor that plays into biometric technology and security.
- Some users may not be comfortable using the technology
Research that has analyzed personal opinions on Biometrics: Illustrates the uses and the disadvantages.
Places that are using Biometrics Technology and places where Biometrics could be useful: http://www.sciencedirect.com/
- Schools- to replace library cards, meal plans
- Walt Disney World Resorts- In order to prevent ticket fraud they use fingerprints to make sure no one enters the park that isn’t supposed to be their or have not paid.
- Airports- wanted to make passports using facial biometrics in order to make it easier to recognize individuals and show criminal records
- FBI and other government agencies, like the Department of Homeland Security - everyone that enters the United States must now five a fingerprint in order to keep track of individual’s records.
- Banks- in order to stop/prevent ATM fraud, credit card fraud, check forgery
- Hospitals- to keep medicine safe, records safe, and prevent doctors or other employees to steal medication.
- Police Departments have been using fingerprinting for a very long time. Now there are finger pads to scan their fingerprints. This is to replace the ink and paper that used to be used. It is now easier to send information over the computer to other authorities around the country and worldwide.
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