A good friend of mine use to come home from his part time job at a gas station, constantly complaining that the people he worked for accused him of different things. He continuously argued with them and questioned why they wouldn’t get security cameras. When an organization, business or even a store expects foul play, whether it is internal or external, one logical thing they should do is enhance security. Finally the owner agreed and installed cameras. Although he did this he only install cameras for inside the little mart of the gas station and the auto shop section. He left the outside near the pumps security-less. The security cameras, made possible by technology, revealed that the accusations made were completely wrong. Missing money was due to miscalculations of other employees and missing things were because of the owners son. The simple use of technology freed my friend of being ridiculed and accused of what he didn’t do. This made my life easier so I didn’t have to listen to it.

Unfortunately for the gas station, not long after the cameras were installed there was a break in. Although the cameras caught all of the action inside the store once the intruder left the indoors there was no footage. The person was never identified or caught. Security technology is only as good as you’ll allow it to be. Unfortunately in this situation, that easily could have been avoided, a half ass job produced a half ass result.
I think that if a company or anyone in fact has a legitimate concern they need to take steps that will enhance security. Security cameras can be great but as we can see they have faults. They only function where you place them. What a crazy concept that it. I also think that the gas station used the minimal amount of security they could. If good results are desired, greater effort and financial splurge are required.
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