Every year, since I could remember, I have always recieved a routine physical from my doctor and she would let me know what I should or should not be doing to stay healthy. I had a general definition of what "vital signs"(The measurement of body temperature,pulse rate, respiration rate, and blood pressure)were but never really paid attention because mine were always stable. But vitals signs are important because they indicate one's overall health. Vitals signs should be checked often, once every 3 months just to make sure everything is operating smoothly.
Wouldn't it be nice to check your vitals signs from the comfort of you own home, without having the hassle of purchasing the expensive gadgets that the doctors use. And even if we did have the expensive tools that the doctors have, how would we be able to deciper the information without having a medical dictionary near.
But what if one can check their vital signs with a low resolution camera, liked the ones used in web cameras. Well a grad student from the Harvard-MIT Health Sciences and Technology Program has found a way to use a "web cam" to measure heart-rate from just imaging alone. This is a major step beccause
"The technology, which could soon also be measuring respiration rates and blood-oxygen levels as well as blood pressure, could make basic medical monitoring a continuous process throughout the day".
One reason why this breakthrough is amazing to me because I have a stubborn Grandfather who doesnt like to go the doctor. He feels that he is a machine and immune to all sickness. Personally I feel that he just doesn't wants to hear "bad" news, he knows that he is older and his body parts are functioning differently, instead of confronting them he just ignores it. I wouldnt want something bad to happen to him that could have been preventable.
Having this new technology would allow individuals like my Grandfather, to check their vitals signs at their convenience, and through the comfort of their own home. If something isnt right, then they do know that they have to take the necessary steps to get well.

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