Most people love personality. I do. I like to be around people who are fun, entertaining, and funny. One bad thing about the internet: It’s negatively affecting our social skills. In order to improve your social skills, you actually have to go out and socialize. Now with things like twitter and facebook, you don’t even have to leave your home to have a conversation with someone. You can type your life away, but that just takes away from the actual experience of getting to know someone face to face where you can make eye contact and easily learn something special about someone by just looking at them.
Another thing the internet is doing is making us lazy. I have a friend who loves to shop. She use to go to the mall once a week and that was actually when I spent the most time with her, but then she heard of online shopping. Our friendship went downhill from there because we rarely saw each other. Nowadays you can buy almost anything on the internet. You can buy things from shoes, to clothes, to food, to books, to electronics, and the list goes on. One may say this is a good thing, but then again you are isolating yourself from everything and everyone.
The last negative I have to say about the internet is that it causes people to act in a different manner than they would in real life. The internet gives you freedom to do and say whatever you want. You say and do things that you wouldn’t normally do and say in real life because your experience with a computer screen wouldn’t be the same experience you would actually have in real life. You can curse someone out on the internet, but curse at someone in person and you might get punched in the face.
All I’m saying is that the internet affects who are and who you want to be. Your experiences are so much different and much more real if you go out and explore. We shouldn’t want the internet to live for us, because then what’s the point of living?
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