My three brothers and I have all been tested and diagnosed with learning disabilities, also known as a learning difference. We all went to a middle school that only taught children that have been diagnosed with a learning disability. One of the schools requirements for all students at the school is to make sure everyone had a laptop and they learn effective ways on how it can help you in the future and once you leave the school. At the Eagle Hill School, in Greenwich Connecticut laptops play a large part in teaching and learning. It gives the students the chance to learn at an early age how to research things the right way, how to type a paper on a computer, and how to organize. Being taught how to use a computer is a lesson in itself. Being a person that has a learning difference it is hard to keep up with the regular population of students that do not have a learning disability, and I now see that the Eagle Hill School was the best choice of schooling that my parents could have picked for my brothers and I. If it wasn’t for the technology and teachings that I learned from Eagle Hill School I believe that I would not have been able to make it this far in school, and would never have had the techniques to use today.
Check out this video of a real class using iPads
Eagle Hill is a language-based, remedial program committed to educating children with learning disabilities. The curriculum is individualized, interdisciplinary, and transitional in nature. A secure, structured, nurturing environment supports and stimulates the development of the whole child. As a result, children learn to view themselves as competent individuals with a strong sense of self.
In an environment that recognizes and embraces diversity, Eagle Hill teaches children an array of strategies and skills to manage their learning disabilities effectively at school and at home. Eagle Hill helps children gain the self-esteem necessary to initiate, nurture and maintain friendships. Inherent in the Eagle Hill philosophy is development of children with strong moral and ethical character.
Children leave Eagle Hill with confidence in their academic abilities, a true belief in their worth as human beings, and the strategies necessary to meet the challenges of their new school and social settings.
(Information used from
I believe that a laptop is very similar to a tablet and can accomplish many of the same tasks. In relating to the reason why technology is used at the Eagle Hill School, I believe that the schools that are willing to use iPad’s as a way to teach and help students learn will be successful and an enormous step in education.
This is a statement from the main website of the Eagle Hill School, this explains exactly why the school feel technology is important and helps students with learning differences learn on the same level as those without disabilities.
Technology at Eagle Hill
The marriage of directed instruction and technology has proven to be a powerful tool for both students and faculty at Eagle Hill. Technology has been clearly shown to enhance both initial learning of content and retention of content information over time. The mission of Eagle Hill’s Technology Department is to continue to foster a technology program that provides teachers with ‘cutting edge’ technology products and continued support and training to enhance student learning. Classroom curriculum joined together with technology have allowed faculty to have increased tools for addressing different learning styles
Computer use in the classroom is meant to supplement, not replace, direct instruction. Teachers are facilitators who utilize new instructional methods and strategies made possible through the use of technology. To be effective, the curriculum must drive the technology program, not vice versa. Students learn the basic skills necessary to use computers independently by participating in project based learning throughout their classes.
Currently at Eagle Hill every classroom teacher is provided with a laptop computer. All campus computers have wireless access throughout the school to the network and all network services.
A laptop program has been in place in the upper school since 1998. Three mobile laptop labs and two traditional computer labs are spread across the campus.
(Information used from (
In thinking hard and long about how a tablet or an iPad will be able to become successfully used in an educational atmosphere I have determined that the largest aspect in sing tablets in schools will help students with learning differences or learning disabilities (LD). One of my accommodations like many others that have LD is the right to use a computer to take notes. Personally it makes it much easier to organize thoughts and notes on a computer other then using a pencil and paper. I have also in the past have read books on tape that made me carry around a bulky headset and tape deck and all the tapes that went with the books. Now that it is easier to buy or rent books on iTunes, there are applications that can read the material to you making it much easier for someone like me to understand, highlight important information, and pronounce important parts of the reading.
Here are some of the applications that can be helpful to not only students with learning disabilities but other students also.

I Write Words is an application that helps children practice writing letters, numbers, and words. This will help with motor skills, which is a large part of some children that have been diagnosed with a specific learning disability. It allows a kid to trace a letter on the iPad with their finger, and helps them with writing skills, and helps children that have bad handwriting skills or difficulties writing with a pencil/pen.
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Screen Shot of the App. I Write Words |
Dragon Dictation is an app that allows a person to speak to the iPad and transfer it into an email or send a text message by easily speaking to the iPad. It can be used with children that have reading or language disabilities, or kids that are not able to write due to a physical disability. This is considered under the categories of a voice recognition tool or application. Another reading or text to speech application is Read2me that gives the ability to students to import their own files in to an iPad and it will read the text out loud. It can be useful for children who are weak readers.

Ideas formed and used from an interview with Andrea Prupus who discusses assistive technology, (
I have had a lot of thoughts and ideas about tablets and iPad's and how cool and fun it would be if it was used in schools. It would be awesome if a student only needed to buy a tablet such as the iPad where it would have all their textbooks, readings, and everything they needed for class. A student could take notes in class and even type their papers; there might not even be a need for laptops anymore. It is much lighter and easier to carry around then book and a regular laptop. I can think of many applications that a tablet would be great for education, particularly earlier grades. A tablet with the right software that is designed right there can be great lengths taken into the technology of reading, writing, and math programs. With a tablet a student could zoom in and out on text, just like reading a book. By enforcing students to us an iPad it will give students and teachers, instant and personalized access to information, and creating more interest for students and their teachers. By having both students and teachers using the same exact technology this will give them a chance to have something in common and maybe create a better relationship between student and teacher. The iPad will also free the users from wires and they will not need to connect to the network because the iPad works wirelessly and on the 3G network. It lets students and teachers move around much easier and it is much lighter then a laptop. A large incentive in using the iPad in education is the money that will be saved because there will be no reason to buy textbooks and it will also help the environment because les textbooks will be made. Finally, the iPad will keep users such as students and teachers up to date with current technology and give them something to talk about other then school work. It will give them a chance to discuss what new applications are out that may strike interests and may help them with both parties with productivity. (
Here are some examples of schools that the iPad is being used for educational purposes: (
Seton Hill University (Pennsylvania) – has commited to giving each of its 2100 full time students an iPad.
George Fox University – announced that it would be giving its new students the choice between a Macbook or an iPad.
Oklahoma State University - will be starting an iPad initiative with 125 students in five different courses during the fall term.
The University of Maryland - is giving iPad’s to 75 incoming Honors students in the fall.
Gibbon Fairfax Winthrop High School - was the very first high school to give an iPad to each of their 320 students
Northwest Kansas Technical College - is going to give an iPad to every student who registers for the Fall 2010 term – and they will be providing their content via iTunes.
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