Tuesday, October 12, 2010

"That which nourishes me, destroys me"

I have been having a very difficult time writing this blogs; for several reasons. I do no tknow what is a good subject matter, I really do not enjoy writing about trial things and perpetuating mindless/useless cyber chatter. However, I have to overcome these issue that hinder my ability to write my blogs for this class. So I have spend many days and nights trying to probe my mind, other's and the internet. Then I started to complain to myself- I complained about how I do not use the internet that much, barely watch tv and my days are spent reading and writing. Then the juices started flowing why not write about what I hate because I care do about expressing my distaste for the abuse of technology. Furthermore,how my generation and the following one is in a state of mental decay and unable to function with common sense or the use of technology. While I could run my mouth for hours one end, ranting about the lack of appreciation for reading and writing. And let me clarify I mean reading a book with a cover and a spine, writing on paper with ink from a pen, and so on. But I digress, I decided to focus on one evil in general that is creating generations of carpal tunnel zombies; the evil is smartphones. I have been spending alot of time trying to create this blog, despite I will be penalized for its lateness. But i was not gonna half ass this bog and write some ignorance, stupid, pathetic blog about some nonsense just to complete an assignment. To begin I will explain all the capablities of most smart phones and then illustrate how those functions in conjunction with eachother and the human user within the confines of social, professional, academic, and personal settings is destroying society (people's) ability to be articulate, concise, and is leading to clapse of the human intellect and communication skills on a formal level. The average smartphone has the following applications: voice recording, internet, email, texting, multimedia texting, touch screens, facebook, GPS, word documents ,directories, radio, skype, aim, etc. The list is endless! The Iphone ahs over 200,000 applications, Blackberries rivial in size basically as well. You name a smart phone has it or can get it through its application store loaded onto the mobile. But with all the these forms of communication and power at your fingure tips why would you ever complain. I'll tell you why- because not only are you literally not looking up from your mobile to see what is going on around you but you are not seeing what is going on around the world around you. I rarely use my phone I occasionaly text out of need because my friends cannot communicate by traditional calling or face to face interaction. I will admit I like texting for it silence and ability to allow you to communicate while you are multitasking or in class etc. However how far is too far hmm? Personal experience has taught me that people use there mobiles while driving not looking at the road merely being a zombie, entranced in that damn phone like David Rutherford in a crack rock. It dangerous people are so involved with who is dating who on facebook and not the woman being slaughtered in Africa or the Indonesian children sweating, bleeding, and starving making your overpriced Nike High Tops. Yet alone are you able to see the mother of four in front of you stoping short and you ramming into her like a F1 Abrahm tank into an enemy bunker. Now my examples are slightly embellished and fictional to demonstarte a point but at the same time this is really happening. While a girl in a class is learning about American history she is texting her bff asking to tag her in a facebook picture. Omg like Omg Bob is so cute tag me in his picture blah blah blah. Good one sally sue ya don't pay attention is claa and expand your horizions and brain, just get sucked into mtv jargon and pop culture expectation and not be concerned with your ability to be great and give back to society. Why would any one think about these issues, Ill tell you because smartphones are taking away our ability to think long term and have foresight. You can email a teacher or a friend and look up the hot VMA winner in the blink of an eye. You do not have to move an inch or put any effort into it, just move a finger, click here or there and BOOM information spoon feed to your rotten brain that is tweakin on adderall because you can't sit still, Because reading is boring and you can't focus things are moving fast enough and you have to apply a little elbow grease and a little thought. "Smartphones have similar effects on the society as regular cell phones, and then some. They are more of multi-purpose computers, allowing us to play games, take pictures or videos, send and receive e-mails and text messages (SMS), and even browse the full web (unlike WAP browsers on a regular cell phone) (Rauch, 2005). School classrooms are a great example of how the Smartphone, or even a cell phone, has clearly changed its environment completely. Because of its ubiquity, it is now the norm to find at least one or two students using his/her Smartphone to be instant messaging with others, or even browsing the web in a classroom, even during a lecture. Because of its speedy spreading and its relatively short history, it is unclear of when it is or is not appropriate to be utilizing the features of a Smartphone. More importantly, these mobile devices are “enabling people to create their own micro-cultures” (Rauch, 2005), quickly changing our social and cultural norms and values." (wordpress) See it is not just me ranting, people are taking notice of the trends and changing social and cultureal norms because of smartphones. I still keep a journal, I write hand letters, I read books everday, I enjoy sitting and reading a book and touching the words of other in my hand knowing it cam from their mind. I am being moved by a person and by words and thought. Smartphones are just mobile computers that suck people into a teenage knitting/gossip circle. Whats hott, whats not, omg Becky look at her butt, blah blah. Yes I get it smartphones are good tool, but lets not abuse them and make all forms of research and forms of communication archaic. I think we should all put our phones down and think about where this technology is going to lead us and its effects on school libraries going all digital, professionals use email on their smart phones to dispense information, kids driving immeresed in a hand computer that is their modern bible. This video from an isurance commerical while very comedic demostrates a real risk factor while driving and is address it. People will buy insurance because they have a teenager who texts and drives. This is also a clear cut example of society acknowledging mobile phones and smartphones as dangerous and blinding people.

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