Well Brad you’re a little behind.
Welcome to Myvu. It's a way to watch a movie in private the same way you listen to music in private with headphones. No, this isn’t the same as watching a movie on your ipod. IT'S BETTER. You don’t have to squint at a minuscule screen or hold an ipod in a specific position inevitably resulting in an arm cramp.

The Myvu revolutionizes the way we can watch TV. I can be in any awkward position or place and watch a movie without anyone being able to look over my shoulder and see what I’m watching.
The Myvu is a pair of “glasses” that make you look like you’re in Star Trek when you wear them. With these fashionable glasses you can watch a movie, any other type of media or play a game like Guitar Hero with your own private screen and ear buds that are connected to the glasses.

The Myvu is compatible with ipods, iphones and other devices. It blows watching movies on ipods and cell phones out of the water.
I personally got to test the Myvu out years before it came out. My mom worked at a company MicroOptical which is now known as Myvu and helped build the original MicroOptical crystal personal media viewer. Years ago, before it was finalized, the product was incredible. Since then changes have been made to improve the product. The picture has been greatly enhanced and different size ear buds are available to fit almost all ears. Also there are now prescription clip on lenses available for people who aren’t lucky enough to have 20/20 vision.
The Myvu does take some getting use to, but it’s well worth it. Each eye has its own screen. Even though they are almost perfectly aligned to form a flawless picture, the center seems blurry at first. After adjustment, the blurred center goes away and the movie is yours to enjoy. Also, because you can see above and below the lenses you may get slightly dizzy going back and forth. The feature a bit questionable initially, allows you to know what is going on around you.
Although the Myvu is a great product there are arguments against it. Why would you want to watch a movie that has some blurriness to it when today we have high definition televisions with crystal clear pictures? The dual vision of the movie and your surroundings can cause dizziness similar to when you look above and below your glasses too much. Some people get over this others are unable to. If you try to move around with the Myvu it bounces up and down and the clarity of the picture is terrible. While moving you have to hold the glasses where you want them so you can still see. Also having ear buds in your ears for too long can cause irritation for certain people.
There are obvious benefits and disadvantages to using a Myvu. Is it worth the minor discomforts and disadvantages to be able to watch a movie completely in private when you have hours to kill or just want to keep your viewing material to yourself? I think so.
Myvu. Try it out for yourself. It may change the way you watch movies forever.
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