While infidelity has been around simply forever, the advent of social networking sites have completely exacerbated the practice. The quick and easy access to an unlimited pool of potential conquests has not only fostered the ability to cheat, but in my opinion, encouraged it. However, cheaters be warned, all of your sneaky cyber sexing will eventual come to light! The truth is, while sites like Myspace, Facebook, and Friendster have made it easier to cheat, they have also made it easier to get caught.
These sites allow conversation between friends in the form of inbox messages, and Facebook chats. These features allow virtual strangers to get to know- and possibly get it on - with each other. However, these incriminating chats are saved. My friend John Doe fell victim to his own treachery when he accidentally stored his password on his girlfriend's computer, inadvertently giving her a free pass to all his salacious conversations. His plans for potential hook ups with random women would have never been discovered had it not been for his social networking page. While we may think our pages are a sealed fortress behind which we can act unabashedly, the truth is nothing in the cyber world is safe. The ability to hack into a partner’s page is increasingly simple. There are even internet services springing up which, for a fee, will give a suspicious mate access to their spouse's info. Another friend of mine discovered her boyfriend was cheating by learning his new Myspace had a password of ILUVJANE. Safe to say my friend REBECCA was not pleased. Many a relationship has crumbled due to negative Facebook findings.
Thus, yet another problem with technology and relationships I am presenting, is the overexposure to each other's actions. The wall we build to keep things private has gotten an enormous peep hall drilled into it, thanks to the internet.
As with everything else, thanks to the internet it has become incredibly convenient to become a cheater, or discover you’re a cheated on. Call me old fashion but I believe if you are going to betray your partner you should have to do it the difficult, inconvenient, more trouble than it's actually worth way like countless priests, professors, and presidents before you.
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