Friday, October 8, 2010

8 Things That YOU Do To Annoy Your Classmates

We all have classes with people that constantly annoy the hell out of you and the rest of the class. They just don’t care or realize what they are doing. I have experienced one of these people in almost every class that I have had here at Drew. So since they don’t realize what they are doing, I decided to point them out from least to most annoying.

8. The Twirler. Have you ever sat behind a girl in class that is constantly playing with her hair? It is one of the most distracting and annoying thing that a girl or even guy with long hair could do. Stop touching your hair! It’s not going to make it grow any longer or keep it from falling out.

7. The Chewer. You know that kid that always smacks his gum, blows bubbles, and just chews obnoxiously with his mouth open? That’s the chewer. No one wants to hear you chew your gum, if they wanted some then they would have a piece too. And blowing bubbles so big that they pop and gum gets all over your face is really unattractive. Just like we don’t want to hear you chew it, we don’t want to see you peel it off the tip of your nose or your face.

6. The Texter. Hearing your phone vibrate in class and the clicking of your keys is just well, annoying. Pay attention and get good grades.

5. The Sniffler. There is nothing more annoying than the person that won’t miss class when they are sick. They are either constantly blowing their nose, sniffling up their snot, or coughing, or maybe doing all three. They have no idea that them going to class is actually annoying other people when they are more congested than someone having a foreign object blocking their nasal passage.

4. The Clicker. Omg stop clicking your God damn pen.

3. The Typer. Predominantly girls fulfill this annoying role. With their fake nails and urge to feel like they really can type fast when they can’t. They smack the keys down as hard as possible while taking notes when it’s actually just adding the background noise you already have due to the kid clicking their pen, chewing their gum loudly, the sniffler, and a girl twirling her hair to distract you.

2. The Kicker. I KNOW that everyone has experienced this person at least once in their life, if not multiple times. The Kicker is the person that sits behind you and constantly kicks your chair. You don’t even have to experience in a classroom setting either because it happens in public places too. The other two places that are just as bad are in the movies and on an airplane. Kicking the chair in front of you is just unnecessary and most of the time the person won’t ask you to stop, so just don’t do it.


1. The Know It All. This person is by FAR the most annoying person ever in class. They give constant, elaborate, and sometimes even go off topic when responding to a professor’s question. They call out and even sometimes attempt to correct the professor!! They always have something to say and never know when to stop talking. They also annoy the hell out of the professor too. Once the end of the semester rolls around both classmates and professor can’t wait to be rid of this know it all, because well, they are simply just too damn annoying.

So fellow classmates if you read this please don’t be one of these people that constantly annoy others and be aware of when and what you are doing.

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