Friday, December 10, 2010

The Profession..Thesis for the termination of Free Will?

The “Profession” by Isaac Asimov depicts the struggle of individual living in a communal society and world. The main character George resented the “Olympics” because of its overall intent of examining the ability of the each individual process of attaining knowledge, in other words IQ They are taught to read at the age of eight and then educated at the age of eighteen. The choice of professional specialty is decided by the analysis of the brain; the recipients have no choice in the matter. They are assigned roles and expected to pursue the specific careers they have been given. The best of the educated people compete in the “Olympics”, in hopes of being "bought" by an advanced Outworld. Being bought represents the advantage of being shipped to the highly advanced planet called Outworld and working with those who are just as smart if not smarter.

Earth has become a centralized society were children are educated by an almost instantaneous direct computer/brain interface, a process referred to as taping. Despite the odds against him George is determined to become a computer programmer, and hopes to qualify for "export" to an Outworld. On Reading Day and Education Day, which are the days when individuals are allowed to test their ability. However, concerns are raised about George's ability to be educated and he is told that his brain is unfit for any form of Education. He is sent to a House for the Feeble Minded. Determine to find a solution he embarks on a journey in search of truth. To his surprise he finds that people who are deem feeble, hold a wealth of knowledge that provides access to those whom their society deems qualified.

The main premise of the story is the conflict of eliminating free will and total control of the individual based on what is “best” for everyone. I believe that today’s society is completely different; because America is a capitalist society that thrives on the ambition of the individual. In American society “what is best for everyone”, is each individual working towards a goal and in the process of them bettering themselves they better society. Not all places around the world are like this, some promote a communal existence in every aspect. I personally would disagree with 65th century Earth and 21th century American society. I believe that a balance is needed; too much of either neglects the essences of human interaction, and individuality. One must be conscience of self yet be relevant for others.

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